VACANCY - Fixed Term Scale A Teacher Parental Leave for 2025
Tēnā koe
Thank you for considering our Scale A Fixed Term Parental Leave teaching positions. The vacancy details are -
Vacancy 1 - This is a Year 3 and 4 class and the preferred start date would be Monday 16 June. The end date can be 15 December 2025 or the end of Term 2, 2026, being 3 July 2026.
Vacancy 2 - This is a Year 5 and 6 class and the preferred start date would be 18 August 2025. The end date can be 15 December 2025 or the end of Term 1, 2026, being 2 April 2026.
Both vacancies are parental leave positions and the relevant parental leave conditions apply.
We are looking for a teacher who is motivated, collaborative and willing to continue learning alongside others. You must be passionate about supporting tamariki and providing the best opportunities for learning.
In return we will provide a supportive and fun staff environment, high levels of quality PLD and the opportunity to work in a high functioning and highly responsive school with an outstanding reputation. In large schools there are many levels of support and many opportunities for growth. If you would like to be part of the whānau at Frimley Primary School, we want to hear from you. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Rohan at school.
This application pack contains:
Appointment timeline
Criteria of employment of the successful applicant
Scale A Teacher Responsibilities
Application form
The applicant MUST complete and provide:
Covering letter detailing why you are suitable for the specified role/requirements
Curriculum vitae
Completed application form
Evidence of meeting the outlined responsibilities/ criteria
Copies of two relevant forms of I.D.
Criteria for Appointment:
Applicants need to be able to show they have the following attributes listed below.
The successful applicant will;
Build and maintain effective partnerships/ relationships with tamariki, kaiako and whānau
Work collaboratively, looking for opportunities to work with and alongside others to share good practice
Be open to and act upon new ideas and learning opportunities based around our Ngā Ara Mātauranga (place based curriculum)
Have the ability to integrate te reo Māori me onā tikanga within all teaching and learning
Have a positive and optimistic attitude and enjoy teaching tamariki
Ensure all decisions and actions reflect the teaching code of ethics and standards
If you have any further questions, please contact Rohan Pearse (Tumuaki/ Principal) via or (06) 8788 757
All applications to be emailed to
Ngā mihi nui
Rohan Pearse
Tumuaki/ Principal
Closing date for applicant: 28th March 2025
Principal: Rohan Pearse
Phone: 06 8788757
Frimley Road, Frimley, Hastings 4120
(Google Maps)
Richard Brimer
Warren Buckland Hawke's Bay Today
For school use only.