Frimley School has an enrolment zone.
In August each year the BOT determines how many places it may have to ballot for the following year. The out of zone ballot applications for 2024 closes at 9am, 27th September. The ballot will take place the first week of Term 4. All applicants will then be contacted by the school office.
If you are interested in your children being in the ballot, complete the forms and return to the office or talk with the Principal.
If you live or move in zone you are entitled to enrol immediately (usually the day following the return of the completed enrolment form). Please contact the office to make an appointment to meet with the Principal or Deputy Principal to commence this process. You will need to bring the following documents with you:
I have a child who is turning 5 this year- when do I enrol?
Whether you live in or out of zone and would like your 5 year old to start at Frimley, please register them with the Office when they turn 4. This helps us plan strategically so that our class sizes are reasonable and the roll optimised.
I live out of zone and would like my child/children to enrol at Frimley School
Generally if you live out of zone, you will need to apply for a place and have this balloted. We would encourage you to discuss this with the Principal or Deputy Principal. Further information can be found here (Link to apply for a ballot place).
Principal: Rohan Pearse
Phone: 06 8788757
Email: office@frimley.school.nz
Frimley Road, Frimley, Hastings 4120
(Google Maps)
Richard Brimer
Warren Buckland Hawke's Bay Today
For school use only.