E ngā rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou katoa.
Welcome to the celebrations of our school that we are all truly proud of. Our kura continues to work hard to ensure that all our tamariki are nurtured and supported by a highly skilled and dedicated team of kaiako and kai-āwhina. Our Board of Trustees is a true reflection of our diverse school community. Our whānau are fully engaged in all aspects of our school life from coaching sports teams to sharing their knowledge in our classrooms. Whānau engagement is a priority to us and we work intensively to strengthen these relationships through our school value of whanaungatanga.
Our Ngā Ara Mātauranga (place-based curriculum) is the content of our learning, providing authentic reading, writing and math experiences. Play based learning is the approach in our new entrant learning community.
Everyone who is a part of our Frimley School whānau is an akonga (learner) striving to achieve their very best through our vision, Tū Ake nei, being confident, strong and connected in my identity.
Join our facebook page or come in and meet with me to hear more about our amazing kura.
Tīhei mauri ora!
Ngahina Transom - Tumuaki
Principal: Rohan Pearse
Phone: 06 8788757
Email: office@frimley.school.nz
Frimley Road, Frimley, Hastings 4120
(Google Maps)
Richard Brimer
Warren Buckland Hawke's Bay Today
For school use only.