Matariki 2024

Matariki Te Tau Hou Māori - The Māori New Year

We celebrate Matariki with a number of events across two days. This year we celebrated Matariki in term 2, week 8. Our celebrations started on Thursday 20th June at 6am with kōrero and karakia from Kane Nepe-Apatu about Matariki followed with breakfast. We had a big turn out with over 200 whānau attending! School started with Mihi Whakatau and then the tamariki were able to go around the school to participate in different activities in every class. Our local RTLB service were part of our celebrations with 4 kaiako running workshops too. Across the two days we had a number of local primary and secondary schools perform Kapa Haka in our marquee on our stage. This was an awesome opportunity for our tamariki to see not only their peers but the older secondary school students. We also had Nathan Foote a local kaiwhakairo (carver) working on a piece rākau for the whānau and tamariki to observe. On Friday 21st June our last day of celebration, we put down a hangi for our tamariki to eat and enjoy at lunchtime.