This term we welcome Maddy McNeill who will be teaching in our newest New Entrant class Te Wai and Rana Minhinnick and Ashleigh Hemepo who will be kaiawhina supporting in class. Nau mai haere mai kei waenganui i tā tātou kura.
Megan Bird and Ben Talbot have resigned from her teaching position. Megan and her partner will be heading over to Australia at the end of the year and Ben has won a new role at Twyford School as Team Leader/ Assistant Principal and teaching Year 6/7/8. I want to thank both Megan and Ben for their contributions to our kura and wish them all the best for their next journey.
Lisa Pryce who has been a kaiawhina in our kura for the past 10 years has resigned from her position to begin a new adventure. Thank you for all your mahi over the years Lisa and we wish you all the best.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa
Whānau, we want to collect your voice to help us understand how we are going towards:
The outcomes of this survey are very important to us as a school. They help us review the targets that have been set for this year and then help us determine what we need to focus on in these areas in 2025.
The more whānau that respond the better. Last year we had 140 parents/ whānau complete the survey and this year we’re aiming for 200! Please type this link into your browser, check the link on Seesaw or pop into your child’s class at the beginning or end of the day and ask to use one of their laptops.
Frimley School Whānau survey 2024
The Ballot for 2025 placements has now taken place. All whānau should have been contacted at this point.
Our school wide PE focus this term is on Run, Jump, Throw building up to our school athletics competitions later this term. See the upcoming dates for the days/times for your child(s) athletics day.
As the days lengthen and become warmer, we begin to get the pool ready for the upcoming new season. Hopefully we’ll be able to open the pool in mid November.
The competition was judged on an overall score for both speakers from each duplex. Taylor and Ryan represented Te Āki, Kale and Rico represented Te Tuku and Vivi and Elliott represented Te Māhaki. All six speakers were brave and performed extremely well. Our overall winners were: Te Māhaki with a combined score of 57. Vivi and Elliott were outstanding with their delivery and the content of their speeches were informative and entertaining.
The beginning of this process will start next week. Our Year 5&6 leaders for 2025 (current Year 4&5) will have the opportunity over the next few weeks to consider leadership options for 2025. We encourage you as a whānau to sit and discuss the many opportunities that will be available. A written application is required for all positions, teachers will support in class, but we value whānau support.
This year's photos are scheduled for Tuesday 5th November. All children will be in class/space photos and have individual photos taken. If you would like a ‘whānau’ photo, you need to complete the envelope and return to school. Further information will come home about ordering these.
Our chocolate fundraiser for camp is underway. There are twenty bars in each box ($2 each) - this means the total amount to be paid in for each box is $40. Please return money in a clearly marked envelope. Child’s name, room number, amount. For every full box that you sell, you will be credited with $16.00 off your 2025 camp fee. No credit is given for part boxes that are sold. Sell one box, pay in your $40 and collect another box as long as we have stock available. Return the money and / unsold cartons to the office between 8:30 – 8:50 each day.
Term Four Dates Monday 14th October - Tuesday 17th December, 1pm
NO SCHOOL HB Anniversary Day Friday 25th October/Labour Day Monday 28th October
Diwali Monday 4th - 8th November
School Photos Tuesday 5th November
Y3-6 Athletics Tuesday 12th November
Summer Celebrations Thursday 14th November, 3-6pm
NE-Y2 Athletics Tuesday 19th November
Interschool Athletics Thursday 21st November
Learning Community Fun Days
Haukū nui Tuesday 10th December
Ararau Wednesday 11th December
Haaro o te kaahu / Takoto noa Thursday 12th December
Hui Whakanui / Y6 Celebration Wednesday 11th December, 5.30pm
Tohu Ratonga Hei Whakanui / Service Awards Celebration Friday 13th December, 9am
Hui Whakamutunga o te Tau / School Celebration, 12 pm /LAST DAY Tuesday 17th December 1.00pm Finish
Whakawhanaungatanga / Open Classes Monday 27th January, 9-1pm
Term One Starts Wednesday 29th January 8.50am
Takato Noa Camp Monday 24th - 28th February
Takato Noa Camp Monday 3rd - 5th March
Acting Principal: Tania Henare
Phone: 06 8788757
Email: office@frimley.school.nz
Frimley Road, Frimley, Hastings 4120
(Google Maps)
Richard Brimer
Warren Buckland Hawke's Bay Today
For school use only.